Sundays at St James
We love noise, fun & life at St James, all our services have provision for children & families are always welcome, exactly as you are!
Our Weekly News Sheet has more information on upcoming services & is available in church each Sunday or to view online & download here.
The Communion Table
1st Sundays • Parish Communion (trad. Holy Communion Service)
3rd Sundays • Benefice Family Communion (a contemporary Communion service with modern sung worship - suitable for all ages)
Jesus spent a lot of his time eating and drinking with people. His first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding, he ate with criminals & sex workers. Using the smallest portion of bread and fish, he fed thousands. It’s no surprise that one of the last things he asked of his followers was to share a simple meal of bread and wine together.
Holy Communion is a chance to come around Jesus’ table together and meet with him, to receive from him and take him out within us into our lives and to those we meet.
Here at St James’, ALL are welcome to come and receive, whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done or believe, from the youngest to the oldest, all are invited to meet the living Jesus in the bread and the wine here.
Morning Worship
2nd & 4th Sundays
Morning Worship is a time of sung worship with a variety of styles and expressions from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs, creative prayer as well as hearing & teaching from the bible. Often led by our Lay Ministers. This is a relaxed service suitable for all ages.